G2/ G, A, Bb, C, D, F, G Alternative Harmonics This is our first low G2 Saraz. It is also …

G2/ G, A, Bb, C, D, F, G Alternative Harmonics This is our first low G2 Saraz. It is also …
E2/ G, B, D, E, F#, G, B with a side of B2 😉 This is the first E2 …
Thanks so much to Sarah Tew for her time and energy writing and photographing this lovely article about Saraz for …
Do you care about the future availability and development of Handpans? Then please join HCU today Please also help spread …
Sylvain has always been one of my favorite composers for his sincere touch and heart string pulling progressions. We met …
I recently had the great honor of being a guest on the Hand Pan Podcast with my old friend Sylvain …
Bint el Shalabiya was produced as part of the East River Sessions by Adam Maalouf (Saraz Handpans). Featuring Layth …
Join Rob Jacoby MS, LPCS, at his Counseling Office in Asheville, NC as he discusses Handpans, Equine Therapy and EMDR …